Certification and Policies

ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management System and ISO 14001:2015, BRCGS, AIB, HALAL and KOSHER in the appropriate areas.




Our Policies ↓
Environmental Policy

Sumol Compal is aware that its actions have environmental impacts and therefore understands that the constant search for improvements in the environmental performance of its products, services and operating activities is a positive differentiating factor amongst its clients and consumers and an essential condition for the sustainable development of its business.

Sumol Compal’s Purpose commits the company to undertake sustainable development by taking action to ensure environmentally responsible activities. In fulfilling its mission, the organisation’s activities will therefore be governed in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • To fulfil the compliance obligations applicable to the organisation.
  • To integrate nature and environment preservation concerns into management processes, fostering continuous improvement.
  • To minimise significant environmental impacts associated with its activity, by improving water and energy efficiency, preventing pollution and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems, particularly regarding emissions, liquid effluents and waste production.
  • Reduce environmental impacts along the value chain, promoting decarbonisation, circular economy, responsible agriculture and water awareness.
  • To define and revise goals, objectives and actions systematically in order to improve environmental performance, monitoring changes to the organisation’s context with regard to periodic planning cycles. To implement and maintain reliable performance indicators to monitor the objectives, reporting annually on the change in a panel of indicators.
  • Create awareness on employees and other stakeholders in order to improve environmental the appropriate individual and collective behaviours, promoting the development of skills in this area.
  • To favour relationships with suppliers of products and services with environmentally responsible behaviours and practices.
  • To keep this policy updated and disseminate it to all stakeholders.
Quality and Food Safety Policy

One of Sumol Compal’s major aims is to satisfy the needs of its clients and consumers by providing them with quality products and excellent services. Sumol Compal has therefore defined the following Food Quality and Safety Policy:

  • To promote a Food Safety and Quality Culture within the organisation, ensuring that all of its employees are informed, motivated and participate regard to the Food Safety and Quality Policy for the continuous improvement of Food Safety and Quality Culture.
  • To develop systematically an in-depth knowledge of consumers of soft drinks in order to understand and satisfy their explicit and implicit expectations and to identify new business areas and ensure permanent technological modernisation.
  • To focus the whole organisation on the market, foreseeing and acting proactively on consumer and client trends, competitor movements and the social, technological and legal framework.
  • To ensure clients of our respect for the commitments we have made, prioritising stable relationships of mutual benefit that enhance the range of innovative products.
  • To apply systematically HACCP/HARPC methodology and good production practices and comply with the legal and normative requirements with regard to Quality, Safety, Hygiene and Health as a means of ensuring the best conditions for providing our services.
  • To assure the effectiveness and modernisation for plans of:
    • Food Defence, which aims to prevent intentional incidents of contamination or adulteration in order to protect the consumer, brands, equipment, facilities and people
    • Food Fraud, based on Vulnerability risk assessment considering the changes at global level, in order to identify the necessary controls to minimize the risk of purchasing fraudulent or adulterated raw materials, guaranteeing the authenticity of raw materials and products in compliance with legal, normative and client requirements.
  • To ensure that the production and distribution of products within the scope of Halal, Kosher, and others, complies with the requirements and principles established by the respective standards in all process activities, from the acquisition of materials to their distribution, including their updating and dissemination to employees and stakeholders.
  • To monitor changes in the organisation’s context, systematically defining and revising objectives, initiatives and goals to improve food quality and safety performance within the scope of periodic planning cycles with the purpose of balancing short- and medium/long-term risks and benefits. To implement and maintain reliable performance indicators that allow objectives to be monitored, reporting annually, in-house and publicly, on the change in a panel of indicators.
  • To frame all important activities and resources within the integrated processes system, focusing them on obtaining the outputs identified, managing them in order to consider all current perspectives (stakeholders) and designing them to promote the flexibility and speed of the organisation.
  • To ensure that the continual improvement in stakeholders’ satisfaction and the efficiency of processes is everyone’s permanent objective, allowing employees to improve their level of performance.



Occupational Safety Policy
  • To adopt occupational health and safety as a key element of the organisation and notify this to all employees;
  • To comply with current legislation and other requirements applicable to its activities within the scope of occupational health and safety;
  • To disseminate this policy and actively encourage employees, clients, suppliers and partners to accept their responsibilities within the scope of occupational health and safety;
  • To incentivise the involvement and participation of everyone in the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety via openness, awareness, training, information and consultation measures in specific areas;
  • To systematically identify, assess, eliminate and/or reduce the potential risks associated with its activities as far as possible, promoting necessary updates to methods, equipment and/or organisation;
  • To promote occupational health and safety in order to reflect the values of humanism and respect for people, in the aim of reaching zero accidents per year;
  • To set annual targets, monitoring the results and defining action plans for continuous improvement;
  • To foster a culture of safety at all levels of the organisation.
External Social Responsibility Policy

Sumol Compal aims with the External Social Responsibility Policy to establish a set of commitments that aspire to reinforce its contribution to the creation of value and economic and social progress in the territories where it operates, namely in Portugal and Africa. This policy promotes the coexistence of initiatives aligned with Sumol Compal's purpose and strategy and its brands, and prioritizes integrated practices that are consistent over time and yield win-win results.

Our commitments:

  • Define objectives and goals for external social responsibility and promote the necessary actions to achieve them through ethical and transparent conduct;
  • Establish partnerships with different agents in the territories that contribute to the continuous improvement of organizational practices in the field of external social responsibility;
  • Involve partners in its external social responsibility strategy and contribute to their awareness and capacity building in these areas;
  • Promote the development of local communities where Sumol Compal operates, in Portugal and Africa, through social investment actions, focusing mainly on three areas of intervention: nutrition, hydration and well-being, education, and inclusion;
  • Raise awareness among employees about Sumol Compal's social sustainability commitments and involve them in their implementation and in identifying solutions to improve the company's performance;
  • Manage the risks and opportunities associated with the social dimension pillar, particularly those related to external social responsibility;
  • Promote dialogue and regular consultations with stakeholders to understand their expectations, perceptions, and evaluations, and incorporate these contributions into decision-making whenever possible;
  • Communicate ethically, regularly, and transparently the information about the results and impacts of its activities to all stakeholders.
Volunteer Policy

The Sumol Compal Volunteer Policy follows the publication of the External Social Responsibility Policy, demonstrating our commitment to creating, collaborating, and/or supporting volunteer initiatives in the local communities where we operate.

Its mission is to contribute to the development of the local communities where we have operations, through the involvement of our people in actions that promote improved well-being and sustainable development, establishing the following objectives:

  • Multiply the values of Sumol Compal;
  • Promote a responsible culture and citizenship;
  • Offer the talents and skills of our people in service of the communities.

Employees have up to eight working hours per year to participate in the actions organized by the Sumol Compal Volunteer Program, which will mainly focus on interventions in the areas of nutrition, hydration, and well-being of our local communities.

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