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  4. Compal is the second most chosen brand in 2023!🎉

    Compal is the second most chosen brand in 2023!🎉 At Sumol Compal, we daily commit to Innovation and Portuguese identity. Compal, the iconic national brand, was the second most …

  5. SUMOL+COMPAL wins five Indians at the POPAI awards

    SUMOL+COMPAL wins five Indians at the POPAI awards … to distinguish THE EXCELLENCE OF MARKETING RETAIL, SUMOL+COMPAL and its brands won 5 major awards in point-of-sale … and activation in Portugal. In total, the SUMOL+COMPAL team brought 5 Indians home: 2 Golds + 1 Silver + 2 …

  6. Compal em 1º lugar no Youtube

    Compal em 1º lugar no Youtube A campanha de relançamento de Compal “Damos o melhor pela fruta”  foi a mais …

  7. Sumol Compal marca presença no Jantar Solidário do Festival da Água em Gouveia 💧

    Sumol Compal marca presença no Jantar Solidário do Festival da … A Sumol Compal esteve presente no evento "Oito Chefs, Uma Causa" , …

  8. Compal é a segunda Marca mais escolhida em 2023! 🎉

    Compal é a segunda Marca mais escolhida em 2023! 🎉 … Na Sumol Compal apostamos diariamente na Inovação e na Portugalidade. A Compal, a icónica marca nacional foi em 2023 a segunda …

  9. SUMOL+COMPAL remporte cinq Indiens lors de la remise des POP

    SUMOL+COMPAL remporte cinq Indiens lors de la remise des POP … l'EXCELLENCE DU MARKETING SUR POINT DE VENTE, SUMOL+COMPAL et ses marques ont remporté 5 prix majeurs dans la … points de vente au Portugal. Au total, l'équipe SUMOL+COMPAL a rapporté 5 Indiens : 2 statuettes en or + 1 en …

  10. Compal most viewed on YouTube, in Portugal!

    Compal most viewed on YouTube, in Portugal! Compal relaunch video and was the most viewed on YouTube in …

  11. 🤝SUMOL+COMPAL Recebe o prémio “20 anos – Oeiras Solidária”

    🤝SUMOL+COMPAL Recebe o prémio “20 anos – Oeiras Solidária” … A SUMOL+COMPAL recebeu no passado dia 14 de março o prémio de … um reconhecimento público pelo envolvimento da SUMOL+COMPAL nos programas nacionais EU PASSO (desde 2011) e …

  12. Reports and Codes

    … INTRODUCTION To ensure the success of Sumol Compal’s Vision and Winning Aspiration, the behaviour of … of Conduct. ​   In its approach to the market, Sumol Compal believes in a culture of respect, which relates … which generates trust and value, is distinctive to Sumol Compal. ​   Sumol Compal’s reputation is built on and …

  13. CEO of Sumol Compal featured in an interview in the Business Newspaper.”

    CEO of Sumol Compal featured in an interview in the Business … with the Business Newspaper, Duarte Pinto, the CEO of Sumol Compal, addressed the present and the future of the company, … transformation of operations and the positioning of Sumol Compal in the markets where it operates. This ambitious plan …