The benefits to the company from adopting ISO standards are many, given that they enhance organisation, productivity and credibility – aspects that easily identifiable by clients and customers – raising its competitiveness in domestic and international markets.
The BRC standard ensures that SUMOL+COMPAL Mozambique complies with standardised quality, safety and operating criteria, while also ensuring it is compliant with legal obligations, the conducting of relations with all stakeholders and protection of the end consumer.
In 2016, SUMOL+COMPAL Mozambique passed a Food Safety Audit (FSA) with distinction, an indispensable step in order to enter South Africa’s main retail chains.
These certifications confirm the standards already in place at the group’s plants in Portugal and reflect the commitment and dedication of its employees, a source of great pride to SUMOL+COMPAL.
Today, SUMOL+COMPAL Mozambique employs 103 people and proudly runs one of the leading manufacturing plants in the District of Boane in Maputo Province. The COMPAL brand is sold throughout the country and exported to six SADC countries (South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Madagascar, Zambia and Zimbabwe), helping to reach the country’s goals of raising national output and improving exports.