“Bananô” is the Mozambican version of the famous game hide-n-seek that we all played as children and we still play with our own children. Who doesn’t?
A simple and local idea, this very popular Mozambican game was the solution to the briefing challenge to communicate a mainstream flavour everyone loves but didn’t exist on the market.

Having a message with a strong (positive) emotional and generational connection is important today, boosted by consumer trust in the Compal brand and its fruit expertise.
The launch of the new Compal Banana was split into two stages: 10-second teasers on TV and social media “shouting” out “BANANÔ” all across the country; and a network of 70 billboards in the city of Maputo.
With this campaign, Compal has bolstered the market position it has been building in recent years, creating greater intimacy, closeness and empathy with consumers through their culture and lived experience.